My Packaging: Balancing Aesthetics, Functionality, and Sustainability

First of all, let me give the people what they want: some photos of my current cookie packaging! 

 open box with multicolored shredded paper filling, colored paper cards, and a pink ribbon bowfour pack of cookies inside a clear cellophane self sealing bagbox with clear lid filled with cookies with a label on top and a pink ribbon bowopen brown box of mini cookies lined with parchment paper

I say "current" packaging because this is what I have arrived at in my first three months of selling, but there is always room for improvement. 

As you can see, my inner packaging varies by product. Inner packaging is the product packaging, which comes into direct contact with the cookies. My shipment packaging is more consistent: recycled paper filler, cardboard shipping box with my logo stamped, paper cards and order slip, and ribbons to add flair. 

Any custom note will be hand written on a card with my logo, and each order comes with business cards and a recycling information card.

You may be thinking the ribbon looks a bit strange. That's because my ribbons are made of scrap fabric that would have otherwise gone to straight to landfill. This addition gives me a way to stylize my packaging with a personal touch without creating excess waste.

Inner Packaging

While choosing packaging leading up to my launch, inner packaging was where I struggled the most. The difficulty of inner packaging for food products like cookies is that it must be FDA approved, food safe, unused, and sealable. This makes it tough to find the most environmentally sustainable option. Upcycled containers are ruled out off the bat, and many paper-based options absorb grease from the cookies, which would make a mess for my customer. While I am still seeking and testing paper-based options, I mostly use resealable cellophane bags. 

Boxes and Bags

I began researching plastic and cellulose packaging, which is how I found the compostable and recyclable boxes with compostable and recyclable plastic lids, and the cellophane clear bags. There are some great perks to compostable boxes, especially when they are home-compostable, but I also consider the environmental impact of producing compostable plastic, and the impact this packaging has when thrown away with regular trash. I like that these boxes also have the option of curbside recycling, as compost is not collected in most towns, and not everyone has home compost. 

Adding Flair


Each order is sent with a hand-written card, my business card, and a recycling information card. 

open box with multicolored shredded paper filling, colored paper cards, and a pink ribbon bow


Clothing waste is a major contributor to our planet's growing landfills, and many clothing donations actually end up in landfill. Textile waste is difficult to re-purpose, so I love to give textile scraps a second life as a ribbon. I cut each ribbon myself, and I only use scraps that cannot be worn or easily re-purposed. It also gives me an opportunity to add unique flair to each order. Read more about the environmental impact of fashion waste here:


Playing with color, especially pinks and neons, adds a fun element to my packaging. I try to incorporate color in my ribbons, cards, and in my shredded paper filling.


I am always open to ideas for customization, and I frequently add custom messages to my cards, especially for gifts. To request a custom gift message, please add a note in your shopping cart, or reach out to me directly about your order at

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